The study digs deep into the Semitic-Hebrew Old Testament roots of the word“philosophy”particularly,noting Judges 6:13,Hebrew“Niphilo-tha esh sophru-lanu-abbotenu”transliterated into koine Greek New Testament as“phi-lo-sophia”which means“wonder stories(or teachings)taught us by our fathers;with the figurative meaning as,‘Are you sure God exists?’”.The study,through its Semitic textual linguistic methodology,also identified Deuteronomy 25:3,Hebrew“Ha-Philo ha-Shophet”,which means“Human Judgments”,is another form of the Hebrew“Phenosophi”(i.e.,human additions,Deut 25:3);then,2 Samuel 3:34,Hebrew“Na-Phala-yo-shophim”(i.e.,outdated or dead);please see Colossians 2:8,or to fall and die;also,2 Kings 10:23,Hebrew“Phen-Yeo-Shophu”(i.e.,Godless people seen also in Job 9:24,Hebrew“Phenoshophet”(i.e.,Godless or blind Judgements=Note also Job 22:13,Hebrew“Ara-Phel-yi-shophet”=blind or bad judges;also in 2 Corinthians 4:4,Greek New Testament“Tuphlosen(i.e.,blindness).The study observed that 1 Chro 2:47,Hebrew“Epha-we-shaaph”is the Noun form of the Verb“E-phala-shaaphi”,which means“cleverly invented,vague,obscure or added”.The study recommends more studies on the origins and true meaning of philosophy;particularly,looking at Genesis 50:1,Hebrew“Phiolyoseph”which means,“worthless and helpless human knowledge”,while Genesis 48:11,Hebrew“Philalyoseph means,“I thought(I will not see)you again(yoseph=Joseph).If we go to the Septuagint Greek Old Testament Genesis 37:3-4,the Greek“Phileo-Yoseph”means“(Israel),loved Joseph”.The same Septuagint transliterated Daniel 1:20,Hebrew“Haheretumim and“Ha(philah)shaphim”,as Sophoi and Philosophoi,i.e.,magicians and wizards.The study has also included Hebrew O.T.words or dictionary which produced the word“philosophy”.