Inter auricular communication (AIC) is the most common congenital heart disease after aortic bicuspid disease with an incidence of 5%?-?10% in children and 30%?-?40% in adults. It represents 6% to 10% of congenital heart defects with septal defect. Inter auricular communications (AIC) are the most common cardiac malformations in adults. This was a retrospective study of 5 cases of inter-auricular communication discovered in adulthood in the cardiology department of the Ignace Deen National Hospital between 01 November 2018 and 31 May 2019. The diagnosis was made by the Cardiac Doppler ultrasound. During the study period,?5 cases of AIC were registered at the cardiac department Ignace Deen. The average age of our patients was 51.8 years with extremes of 20 and 70 years. This average age is comparable to that of the literature that reports most develop symptoms after 40 years. In this study, male dominance was noted with 60% versus 40% of female cases. The evolution was marked by a death case of 20% who had AIC associated with an?inter ventricularcommunication (CIV) with signs of global heart failure and four cases had a favorable evolution or 80%.