Diabetes and hypertension are common co-morbid associates and coexist in many of the cases. The study attempts to understand the two-way transition between diabetes and hypertension and the risk factors affecting the transition using the multistate model. The study used data from the first and second waves of IHDS. There is a significant rise in the level of diabetes and hypertension from 2004-05 to 2011-12. Except for transition from hypertension to diabetes, the probability of transition in all other transition decreases and the mean waiting time to stay in the healthy state increases after adjusting for several covariates. Increases in the level of smoking, drinking of alcohol, consumption of tobacco, body mass index, education and household income quintile are the major transition specific risk factors affecting the transition between diabetes and hypertension. And the risk of transitioning from a healthy state to hypertension is higher among females compared to males.