Interactions of chloramine with organic nitrogen compounds during purification of water for drinking may generate carcinogenic N-nitrosodime-thylamine (NDMA) as byproduct, and it has been found that cationic amine-based water treatment polymers may be one of the important precursors of NDMA. We have analyzed experimentally the influence rule of NDMA formation during chlorination and disinfection, in order to provide technical support for reducing or even avoiding the formation of NDMA. The formation characteristics of nitrosamines during the chlorination of poly-diallyldimethylammonium chloride (polyDADMAC) have been studied during our experiments. The results show that the type of chlorinating agent is crucial for the generation of NDMA;if pH = 7, NDMA has the great potential formation;the NDMA potential formation increases with temperature. The yield of NDMA will be higher as the concentration of monochloramine is 1.5 to 2.5 times of the precursor;the variation of polymer with reaction time can explain the concentration of NDMA in terminal water of pipe network is higher than that in drinking water.