Multi-tag collision imposes a vital detrimental effect on reading performanceof an RFID system. In order to ameliorate such collision problem and to improve thereading performance, this paper proposes an efficient tag identification algorithm termedas the Enhanced Adaptive Tree Slotted Aloha (EATSA). The key novelty of EATSA is toidentify the tags using grouping strategy. Specifically, the whole tag set is divided intogroups by a frame of size F. In cases multiple tags fall into a group, the tags of the groupare recognized by the improved binary splitting (IBS) method whereas the rest tags arewaiting in the pipeline. In addition, an early observation mechanism is introduced toupdate the frame size to an optimum value fitting the number of tags. Theoretical analysisand simulation results show that the system throughput of our proposed algorithm canreach as much as 0.46, outperforming the prior Aloha-based protocols.