Einstein theorized that a mass travels towards another mass, not because it is attracted by a force acting across a distance, but because it travels through space and time that is warped by masses and energy. Einstein postulated that this space-time fabric can have wave-like modes which have been measured by the LIGO experiment. A consistent model of the generation of space-time-fabric-modes by a light Photon is derived for slight space-time deformations. Each Photon generates a shower of very small amplitude space-time fabric modes. Each mode can have a number of energy quanta. The probability of a Photon generating a shower of space-time modes is much larger than the probability of all the space-time modes collecting and generating a Photon. Therefore, this process has a unique Arrow of Time. Similar to the energy quanta of displacement modes in an elastic medium which is called Phonons, the energy quanta of the space-time fabric modes are called gravity Phonons. Both are tensor waves. Gravity Phonons have spin angular momentum of 2 and propagate with the speed of light. At every step of these calculations, equations derived from the General Relativity Theory by scientists and verified by Astronomical observations or experiments are employed.