GLOBALIZATION is one of the most noticeable ongoing international phenomena with the longest duration in recent decades. It is recognized to be the most striking feature marking the current era, exerting significant influence on international relations. On the one hand, the international community has demonstrated a state of “phenomenal flourishing trade, great investment facilitation, personnel mobility, and enormous technological leaps,” which as a result has progressively forged a community of a shared future interlinking individuals. On the other hand, with the increasing degree of interdependence, the threats and challenges facing all countries worldwide are becoming more common. In particular, issues such as climate change, financial crises, large-scale outbreak of infectious diseases, and cyberattacks, have become globalized, and need to be addressed through global governance. Regardless of the positive and negative effects, globalization, as the trend of our times, has become the overriding rule and inevitable route for the international community.