近年来,网络与媒体对“键盘侠”群体的批驳引申出了舆论审判这一重要议题,即公众在事件讨论中常用情绪的宣泄代替事实、试图影响法律和制度进程。其产生的恶劣后果包括谣言、暴力以及越来越频现的舆论反转等。本文结合社会心理学视角,借助重庆公交车坠江案等社会事件为案例,探讨舆论审判现象背后的社会心理动因。结论发现“键盘侠”现象是公众心理、群体影响、社交媒体传播特征等个人、社会力量交织的结果。公众对事件进行评判时会受到自我展示等个人动机的影响,并存在验证性偏差;社交媒体传播速度与事实挖掘之间的时间差是滋生谣言的温床;而社交媒体上的去个体化特征和群体极化效应则导致舆论朝着偏激化的方向发展,形成声势浩大的舆论审判。因而应划清舆论与司法程序之间的界限,利用社会事件进行普法宣传;加强自媒体和传统媒体的通力合作,创造对话、提供多元化的信息;引导舆论关怀替代舆论审判,疏解公众情绪。 In recent years, the criticism of the “keyboard man” group has raised attention to the “public opinion trial” issue. The consequences include rumors, violence and an increasingly frequent reversal of public opinion. From the perspective of social psychology, this paper discusses the social psychological motivation behind the phenomenon of public opinion trial through social events such as the case of Chongqing bus. It is found that the “keyboard man” phenomenon is the interwoven results of individual and social forces. Public opinion will be influenced by personal motivation such as self-presentation, and there might be a confirmatory bias. The time difference between social media and fact digging is the hotbed of rumors. On the other hand, the de-individualization of social media and group polarization lead to intensified public opinion. Therefore, it is necessary to draw a clear line between public o