Background: “Gossypiboma” or “textiloma” refers to accidental retention of textile material in an operated area of the body. Abdominal surgery is most often responsible for this complication. The purpose of our study was to describe the appearance of abdominal gossypibomas on computed tomography (CT) scan images. Materials and Methods: We conducted a retrospective study over ten years (from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2018) at the Teaching University Hospital of Lomé. We collected all surgically confirmed cases of abdominal gossypibomas with abdominal CT scans. Results: Fifteen cases were compiled, with a sex-ratio of 0.36. The average age of the patients was 34 years. The initial surgery was emergent in nine of 15 cases, 11 of which consisted of gynecological interventions. The gossypiboma symptom incubation period was between 3 days and 3 years. A radiopaque marker was observed via CT scans in three of 15 cases. The gossypiboma appeared encapsulated and spongiform in six cases and cystic in seven cases. There were two cases where the gossypiboma migrated into hollow organs. Conclusion: Abdominal gossypibomas appear polymorphic on CT scans and should be considered in patients who present with an abdominal mass and a history of abdominal surgery, even for absent radiopaque markers.