It is not easy to characterize China’s economic system with the standard terms of mainstream economic science.Terms like“state capitalism”or“developmental state”are misleading;they overestimate the role of government and underestimate the role of the market in the development of the Chinese economy.I have selected the infocommunications sector as a case study for two reasons:Although development started relatively late around 2005,in just ten years,China became the world leader in such important digital services like e-commerce or online payment.The fast development was based on a unique combination of active government,fierce market competition,and innovative private sector.In analyzing the lessons from experience,I want to separate the contributions of different factors to the sector’s development.I will prove that the government’s strategic foresight and the business-friendly regulatory approach to the emerging technologies were very important,but the marketing of innovative products by the large Internet companies and the fierce competition between them played a significant role as well.Besides the past development,I will also present the major features of ongoing government programs,like“Internet+”and“Artificial Intelligence Program”.