Reality within the confines of philosophical speculation is a metaphysical conundrum.It can be viewed corporeally or incorporeally,mentally or extra-mentally or explained in general parlance naturally or supernaturally.The central matrix of this paper is to expose the melting point of the dichotomy between the seen and the unseen universe.It proposes that understanding consciousness and its relationship to quantum physics give a clear explanatory framework in comprehending the concept:reality.It posits further that man is basically consciousness expressed through theories observed in quantum physics.Quantum physics is the modern science that supports the theory of the unified field that everything in life is connected.It goes further to postulate that science,technology,and religion are subsumed in consciousness and quantum physics.The knowledge of interconnectedness of everything in the universe will expose us to the clear understanding that energy is the central matrix of reality and can be dissipated consciously or unconsciously to affect both mental and extra-mental realities.An awareness of this immanent nature within and around us will aid greater interaction and advancement in interdisciplinary studies that will improve the society.