Introduction: The aim of this study is evaluation of chin deformities and their role in rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery outcomes via photogrammetry of chin. Materials and Methods: The study is a cross sectional one. All photos of rhinoplasty surgery candidates of three hospitals (Amir Aalam, Imam Khomeini and Razi of Tehran) which were taken in standard lateral position via SLR cameras were assessed through Adobe Photoshop CS, in order to determine four different aesthetic measurements. Except for excluded photos due to our excluding criteria or technical problems, all photographs were evaluated carefully. Results: 144 photos of patients were enrolled. The oldness of patients ranges between below 20 up to above;65.99 patients were female (68.8%) and 45 were male. 73 patients (50.7%) had an abnormal silver condition. Moreover 9 patients (6.3%) with abnormal nasomental, 124 patients with abnormal status of Gonzalez-Ulloa (93.8%), 63 patients (43.8%) with unusual status of Ricketts’ E line/upper and 49 patients (34%) with abnormal Ricketts’ E line/lower status can be demonstrated. Discussion: Performing a photogrammetric study for candidates of cosmetic rhinoplasty also a chin examination as a mandatory preoperative assessment seems to be essential. Due to the lack of studies in this field, more studies are necessary.