Objective: To study the clinics and therapeutics of testicular cancer not descended in Senegal. Patients and Methods: This is a retrospective study over a period of 15 years between January 1997 and January 2012. It focused on 07 patients. Results: The average hospital incidence was less than one case per year. The average age of patients was 30.7 years with a median of 28 (range, 21 years and 38 years). The reasons for consultation were dominated by the existence of an abdominal or pelvic mass associated with an emptiness of the stock market. Orchiectomy was the main therapeutic gesture. It was performed by transperitoneal route. CT-TAP was performed in all cases and revealed a tumor independent of the liver of the spleen or kidneys, developed on an undescended testicle. Four cases of lumbar-aortic lymph node metastasis were noted. Histologically, we noted four cases of embryonic carcinoma and three cases of seminoma. Four patients died within six months postoperatively. Two in an intestinal obstruction chart, one in a peritoneal carcinomatosis chart and one patient in a pulmonary embolism chart. Two had a 4-year survival without recurrence. One patient had a 7-year survival without recurrence. At the time of the counting, these three patients were lost sight off. Conclusion: Intra-abdominal or pelvic development of testicular cancer is rare. It constitutes a major subsequent risk of the undescended testicle.