Comparison of two surgical approaches for petroclinic le-sions
Comparison of two surgical approaches for petroclinic le-sions
Objective: to compare the methods of petrous apical bone removal and to explore the applica-ble scope of Kawase approach and retrosigmoid sinus-in-ternal auditory canal approach. Methods: one group of cadaveric head specimens simulated Kawase approach to measure the data of "Kawase triangle" , the other group simulated retrosigmoid sinus-internal auditory canal ap-proach to measure the safety range of the grinding bone window. Then we explored the clinical indications of the two surgical approaches. Result: the grinding depth of Kawase triangle was 11.6 ± 0.14 mm, and the range of clival exposed after grinding Kawase triangle was 22.4 ± 1.22 mm, which could effectively expose the ventrolat-eral brainstem, the midline of clivus and the area above the facial acoustic nerve. The diameter of the anterior and posterior of the grinding bone window in the retrosigmoid sinus-internal auditory canal approach was 21.95 ± 2.23 mm. In front of the exposure area were the internal carot-id artery, the cavernous sinus, and the upper trigeminal nerve; the lower part was the connection between the fa-cial acoustic nerve and the abducent nerve. Conclusion: Kawase approach is suitable for lesions of ventrolateral brainstem, middle superior clivus, with or without inva-sion of middle cranial fossa; the retrosigmoid sinus-supe-rior internal auditory canal approach is suitable for lesions mainly in cerebellopontine angle area and only slightly invading Meckel's cavity.