篇名 | Information-Matter Bipolarity of the Human Organism and ItsFundamental Circuits: From Philosophy toPhysics/Neurosciences-Based Modeling | ||
来源期刊 | 哲学研究:英文版 | 学科 | 医学 |
关键词 | information/matter matter-related INFORMATION bipolarity entropy/antientropy informational model of CONSCIOUSNESS adaptation/learning for survival neuro-connections sensors transducers and actuators informational reactive and genetic/epigenetic CIRCUITS metabolic circuit | ||
年,卷(期) | zxyjywb,(2) | 所属期刊栏目 | |
研究方向 | 页码范围 | 107-118 | |
页数 | 12页 | 分类号 | R73 |
字数 | 语种 | ||