This study was conducted within a distance of three to five kilometres around Lake Burigi as a study area in the Burigi-Chato National Park for the purpose of documenting the diversity of plants, identifying invasive and rare species for enhancing conservation in the park. Lake Burigi was purposively sampled as a study area for plant identification due to its potential as a tourist destination. No study has been conducted in the study area to reveal plants diversity, with a focus on documenting invasive and rare species, thus necessitating undertaking of this study to inform the park authority to take urgent control measures in avoiding widespread of invasive species and proper planning for conservation of rare species. The methods involved included field observation;plant identification using field guide books, indigenous and professional knowledge;field mapping using GPS receiver and literature review. Analysis of meteorological data and soil sample were also used among other methods. Meteorological data were analysed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS v.20 to determine the relationship between variables. A total of 102 plant species of different growth forms of trees, shrubs, grasses, sedges, forbs, and herbs were identified and recorded. Tegetes minuta and Argemone mexicana were recorded as invasive plant species, while six rare plant species potential for pharmaceutical industry;Zanthoxylum usambarense, Gardenia ternifolia, Faidherbia albida, Harrisonia abyssinica, Anona senegalensis, and, Pappea capensis were also recorded. Scars of wildfires were observed in the study area. The study area received an average rainfall of 964.36 mm per year, the highest peak recorded in 1951. The trend of rainfall showed that many years had rainfall below the average while the temperature was found to increase from year to year, the situation which suggests the existence of climate change in the study area. There was a weak negative relationship between temperature and wind speed. Soil nutrients and disturbances in the area were