Objectives of this study were to: identify the relationship between vegetationhigheit and birds’ species at various wetlands of Sinnar State;This study was conducted in Sinnar state, central Sudan (Latitudes 05º -12º to 05º -14º N and longitudes 32.9º - 35.4º E), covering 12 wetlands(mayas) during the wet and the dry season duration 2011 - 2013;thewetlands are Ronga, Allahmaana, Gladeem, Elban, Rahad Kobri 45,Lawni, Kinnaf Tura 5, Rigaba, Shamiya, Wad elggack, Homrani andSinnar Dam reservoir. The study focused on abundance of herbaceousvegetation, Parameters of herbaceous vegetation were determined at50-m intervals along line transects;these parameters were plant countsand vegetation height in a 1-m circular quadrat. Birds were countedtwice a day (morning and evening) in all wetlands with the help of telescopesand binoculars, and species utilizing each site of the wetlandsare identified. Excel programme was used for data analysis. Vegetationheight is negatively correlated with birds’ species richness in wet seasonsof 2011 - 2012 and 2012 - 2013, positively correlated in the dryseason when herbaceous vegetation is tall, but negatively correlatedwhen it is short.