Educational research often involves people as participants in experiments,respondents to surveys,or the focus of observations.Even use of school records involves people.Because human participants are involved,ethical and legal considerations are of concern.Researchers need to access first to the research site and then to the individual participant.Whenever research is conducted in an educational setting,it is necessary to obtain permission from the site’s“gatekeeper”,who may be the principal,educational authority,a committee that is charged with this responsibility.It is important to know and follow the approval policies of the agency.Research is a systematic investigation,including research development,testing,and evaluation,designated to contribute to generalizable knowledge.The researcher is obligated to protect participant from risk such as physical,social,or psychological harms.Magolda and Weems(2002)argue that harm is an inevitable outcome of much qualitative research.They say the inquiry process in ethnographic research increases the probability of harm because of the intrusive inquiry into the feelings and perceptions of participant.The present paper tries to explore some ethical and legal issues on the way of conducting research and their remedial measures.