The thermal stability and fatigue resistance of piezoelectric ceramics are of great importance for industrialized application.In this study,the electrical properties of (0.99-x)(K0.48Na0.52)(Nb0.975Sb0.025)O3-0.01CaZrO3-x(Bi0.5Na0.5)HfO3 ceramics are investigated.When x =0.03,the ceramics exhibit the optimal electrical properties at room temperature and high Curie temperature (TC =253 ℃).In addition,the ceramic has outstanding thermal stability (d*3.3 ≈ 301 pm/V at 160 ℃) and fatigue resistance (variation of Pr and d*3.3~10% after 104 electrical cycles).Subsequently,the defect configuration and crystal structure of the ceramics are studied by X-ray diffraction,temperaturedielectric property curves and impedance analysis.On one hand,the doping (Bi0.5Na0.5)HfO3 makes the dielectric constant peaks flatten.On the other hand,the defect concentration and migration are obviously depressed in the doped ceramics.Both of them can enhance the piezoelectrical properties and improve the temperature and cycling reliabilities.The present study reveals that the good piezoelectric properties can be obtained in 0.96(K0.48Na0.52)(Nb0.975Sb0.025)O3-).01CaZrO3-0.03(Bi0.5Na0.5) HfO3 ceramics.