This study aimed to evaluate the chromite recovery from shaking table tailings of Forumad plant by a dry high-intensity magnetic separation. The average feed grade of chromium trioxide (Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>) was 7.62% by XRF. Also, different mineral phases were determined by XRD, identifying the presence of Chrysotile, Augite, Albite, Chlorite and Chromite. Although the Forumad plant usually applies gravity methods utilizing the specific gravity difference between chromite and other gangue minerals, this study applied magnetic separation utilizing the paramagnetic nature of chromite crystals to recover chromite from tailings. 27 tests for 3 factors in 3 levels designed by the Taguchi method with design expert 12 software to determine the optimum conditions for the grade and recovery. Finally, the best condition was identified at 10,000 gauss (or 1 tesla) in the magnetic field intensity, 1 kg/min feeding rate, and 40 rpm drum rotating speed which produced a concentrate with 34.65% Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> and 59.42% recovery.