With technology getting to the next level, many resources cannot only educate our children and youth, but also let them know what our religion is all about. The idea is to educate and make our children aware, but in a way that makes them happy and suits the cause. Designing an application, which let users know about various verses and words of Holy Quran in easy way, is very important. This study helps children to relate all those words with real life, reel life and later then will recognize them easily. The illustration in this study plays a key role to do the research in a right way. In this paper, the application can do a lot of experiment with puzzle and other random applications. Moreover, that application gives children an opportunity to use their brain in order to recognize, the Quranic words in an innovative way, which will serve them in the knowledge about the Holy Quran. From our experiential results around 50% of Children using this application for our dataset were satisfied with the application.