As people-to-people exchangebetween China and the Philippineshas been gaining momentumin recent years, media in bothcountries have been communicatingmore closely, enhancing the mutualunderstanding between the twocountries.Martin Andanar, Secretaryof the Philippine PresidentialCommunications OperationsOffice (PCOO), illustrated that asclose neighbors across the sea, thePhilippines and China share affinitivecultures and core values of equality andinclusiveness. He considers it naturalfor the two countries to communicatemore closely and nurture friendly tiesbetween peoples to strengthen bilateralcooperation for common development.“Media offers shortcuts forenhanced communicationand consensus-building,”opined Andanar. “The generalpublic develops ideas aboutthe outside world throughmedia. Media buildsa bridge for mutualunderstandingbetween different civilizations. Without themedia, it would take a lot longer tobuild trust.” Andanar hopes morePhilippine journalists and other mediafigures visit China to explore its beautyand learn about how Chinese mediaoperates.