A girl patient,seven years old,complaining intermittent periumbilical pain accompanied with headache and vomiting for almost one year.Acupuncture was adopted in treatment.Acupoints were Bǎihui(百会GV20),Yìntáng(印堂EX-HN3),Zhongwǎn(中脘CV12),Tàiyáng(太阳EX-HN5),Wángu(完骨GB12),Hegǔ(合谷LI4),Tiānshu(天枢ST25),Zúsānli(足三里ST36),Sānyīnjiāo(三阴交SP6)and Taichong(太冲LR3),elec-troacupuncture,warming needling moxibustion and infrared irradiation were applied.Acupuncture and moxibustion were given once every two days and 10 treatments were as one course.After one course of treatment,the child patient narrated that the attack frequency of headache and abdominal pain was reduced,the severity alleviated and the persistent duration shortened.After two courses of treatment,abdominal pain never occurred and the child patient was recovered and had a normal life and school activity.The disease was not recurred in one-year follow-up.