Cities are undergoing rapid changes continuously due to the high demands of this era, and simultaneously affect several life fields, namely urban transport. High demands are triggering people to travel more frequently than ever;thus, they utilize public transportation more and private transportation less as the latter ceased to fulfill all the transportation needs. Thus, public transportation demand has been increasing greatly alongside citizens’ needs. Nonetheless, many cities lack proper urban traffic planning and organization, while some lack an urban transport service. Ferizaj, a city in Kosovo, is one of the cities that lacks an urban traffic designation;hence, this paper presents a designed urban traffic model, precisely suitable to fulfill the urban transportation need for Ferizaj city. This model is designed under the utilization of applied mathematics’ techniques and operational research. Several factors have been considered, following the geographical distribution of the population, existing roads, and residents’ needs. Consequently, the Solver program has been used as an optimization tool to find the shortest path and most economical paths, added in the discussion part. Besides, the likelihood of the designed urban traffic model’s application in Ferizaj is discussed, considering its viability and application conditions. This study presents mathematical constraints to design a model of the bus network in Ferizaj through Solver. We have used mathematical optimization methods, graph theory, the simulation model through the Solver computer program for network minimal distances and presenting the first model of the Urban traffic network in Ferizaj.