A tablet microstructure,especially the porosity,is a crucial parameter that influences the mechanical properties.Herein,tablet subdivisions were studied as a function of tablet porosity.The tablets were man-ufactured in the presence of different diluents,namely microcrystalline cellulose,Ludipress?,or lactose monohydrate.Furthermore,the addition of Camphor was investigated,which was thereafter sublimated with a view of obtaining tablets having varying degrees of porosity.Microstructural assays were corre-lated to the subdivision performance.The increase in porosity reduced the hardness and increased the tablet friability,adversely impacting the subdivision.For all the excipients,an increase in relative poros-ity>90%represented the threshold level from which an inadequate subdivision occurred.The increase in tablet porosity led to a reduction in mechanical resistance,which,combined with a heterogeneous and discontinuous distribution of pores within the matrix,resulted in poor subdivision results.Controlling tablet porosity is an important consideration when designing tablets having a subdivision purpose.