One of the most important devices for the High Energy Photon Source Test Facility project, the 2.6 T 32-pole 3W1 superconducting wiggler, was designed by the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP);its magnetic gap is 68 mm, and its storage energy is 286 kJ. It will be installed at the storage ring of the Beijing Electron Positron Collider Upgrade Project at the IHEP to replace the old permanent wiggler. The primary purpose of the cryostat is to create a safe and reliable system and realize long-term operation with zero liquid helium consumption. To main-tain liquid helium temperature, four identical two-stage cryocoolers are placed symmetrically at the wiggler ends. The cryostat has only one 60 K thermal shield, which is used to reduce the heat load to the liquid helium vessel. The cryostat has several novel features, including a sus-pension system with little heat leakage that is self-centered during cooling of the cryostat, a special copper liner and high-efficiency condensers, three pairs of binary current leads, and three-level safety design. The cryogenic system has been cooled three times, and the residual cooling capacity is approximately 0.41 W at 4.2 K without current.