The urban-rural transformation from dichotomy to integration is a gradual process.Like rural areas in many countries,Chinese rural society is experiencing a decline in all spheres due to depopulation,aging,lack of economic opportunity,and so on.Aiming at solving the serious rural issues,China proposed the implementation of a rural revitalization strategy and the promotion of an integrated urban-rural development for the first time in 2017.This proposal marks the transformation of the urban-rural relationship,and the integrated urban-rural development reflects a significant conceptual change.Researches on issues of rural decline are urgently needed to determine the most effective method for rural revitaliza-tion and development from the perspective of the urban-rural dynamics.In this context,this paper focuses on studying the theory,technology and management of rural revitalization and development.We construct a theoretical framework for urban-rural integration based on population-land-industry-right between the urban and rural systems,regarding land engi-neering for land capacity building as the technical support and the rural land system reform and reconstruction as the policy support for management.This research will provide theo-retical support for the implementation of China's rural revitalization strategy.