The increasing demand of the green energy storage system en-courages us to develop a higher energy storage system to take the place of the present lithium-ion batteries with limited en-ergy/power densities [1,2]. Among the diverse candidates, lithium–sulfur (Li–S) batteries have received tremendous attention because of their attractive theoretical discharge capacity (1675 mAh g-1) and energy density (2600 Wh kg-1) which are 3–5 times than the state-of-the-art lithium-ion batteries [3,4]. Unfortunately, the ac-tual applications of Li–S batteries are still impeded by the seri-ously effect of polysulfides shuttle and slow reaction kinetics of the electrochemical reaction relying on a dissolution–precipitation mechanism. The intermediate lithium polysulfides (LiPSs) succes-sively assemble between anode and cathode and react with active lithium metal, causing gradual sulfur loss and low Coulombic ef-ficiency. Moreover, poor electrical and ionic conductivities of sul-fur specifies such as sulfur, LiPSs, and Li2S make it difficult for the proceeding of the redox reaction, especially considering the high current density under the charge/discharge processes. As a result, eliminating the shuttle effect of the soluble LiPSs and promoting redox kinetics of intermediate- and end-products are key factors to realize a progressive Li–S battery [5].