We demonstrate visible-light all-fiber vortex lasers by incorporating the home-made mode selective couplers (MSCs).The MSC at green or red wavebands is fabricated by specially designing and fusing a single-mode fiber (SMF) and a few-mode fiber (FMF).The MSCs inserted into visible fiber cavities act as power splitters and mode converters from the LP01 to LP11 mode at green and red wavelengths,respectively.The red-light all-fiber vortex laser is formed by a 10-cm pr3+/Yb3+ ∶ZBLAN fiber,a fiber Bragg grating,a fiber end-facet mirror and the MSC at 635 nm,which generates vortex beams with OAM±1 at 634.4 nm and an output power of 13 mW.The green-light all-fiber vortex laser consists of a 12-cm Ho3+∶ZBLAN fiber,two fiber pigtail mirrors,and the MSC at 550 nm,which generates vortex beams with OAM±1 at 548.9 nm and an output power of 3 mW.