The waste management is a major environmental challenge in all the countries. In the Republic of Benin, in absence of controlled landfill, the wetlands are filling in by solid household waste to set up housing environments. This study aimed at identifying the various forms of wetlands water pollutions originated by this practice. Physico-chemical parameters of sampling water were determined by using Ionic chromatography and spectrometry of atomic absorption. The microorganisms indicating fecal peril were identified by the conventional techniques of microbiology. Water quality of a witness well was also used to assess the general water quality of the backfilled wetland. The results revealed the water samples collected from backefilled wetlands were mineralized (898.32 ± 6.13 μs/cm), rich in chlorinate (237.80 ± 4.23 mg/L) and nitrates ions (224.10 ± 3.42 mg/L). They are more colored (399.23 ± 3.01 Pt/Co) and more turbid (62.5 ± 2.48 NTU) than those of the unfilled wetlands. The results of microbiological analysis shown the presence of the cysts of <em>Giardia lamblia</em> (590/100 L) and cysts of <em>Entamoeba histolytica</em> (13/100 L) in all water, except those of witness well. The frequency of water contamination by bacteria indicating general degradation is 86.4%. The embankment of the wetlands by the solid household waste leads to the water pollution.