Qūba(dermatophytoses)is a clinical condition caused by fungal infection of skin in humans.The fungi that cause dermatophytoses feed on keratin,the material found in the outer layer of skin,hair and nails.Many effective synthetic antifungal drugs have been discovered for the treatment of dermatomycoses but their use has remained limited due to various side effects on human systems.Herbal remedies are being used for its treatment.Unani medicines are also being promoted as dermatophytoses treatment.Detailed management consisting of single herbs and compound formulations along with other regimes has been mentioned to treat this disease in the classical Unani literature,which is safe and effective.The aim of this study was to systematically review the evidence for this notion and to discuss different aspects of Qūba(dermatophytoses).Extensive literature searches were carried out to identify drugs reported to be effective in the treatment of Qūba(dermatophytoses).In this review paper author has tried to present few Unani medicines prevalently used for treatment of dermatophytoses.