Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are used to monitor various environmental conditions including movement, pollution level, temperature, humidity, and etc. Secure authentication is very important for the success of WSNs. Li <i>et al</i>. proposed a three-factor anonymous authentication scheme in WSNs over Internet of things (IoT). They argued that their authentication scheme achieves more security and functional features, which are required for WSNs over IoT. Especially, they insisted that their user authentication scheme provides security against sensor node impersonation attack, and resists session-specific temporary information attack and various other attacks. However, this paper shows some security weaknesses in Li <i>et al</i>.’s scheme, especially focused on sensor node masquerading attack, known session-specific temporary information attack and deficiency of perfect forward secrecy. Especially, security considerations are very important to the modern IoT based applications. Thereby, the result of this paper could be very helpful for the IoT security researches.