New look at Geiger-Nuttall law and a clustering of heavy nuclei
New look at Geiger-Nuttall law and a clustering of heavy nuclei
The Geiger-Nuttall(GN)law of a decay is commonly explained in terms of the quantum tunneling phe-nomenon.In this study,we show that such an explanation is actually not enough regarding the a particle clustering.Such a conclusion is drawn after exploring the involved coefficients of the GN law based on the conventional de-scription of a decay,namely the formation of an a cluster and its subsequent penetration.The specific roles of the two former processes,in the GN law,manifest themselves via the systematical analysis of the calculated and experi-mental a decay half-lives versus the decay energies across the Z = 82 and N = 126 shell closures.The a-cluster pre-formation probability is then found to behave in a GN-like pattern.This previously ignored point is explicitly demonstrated as the product of an interplay between the mean-field and pairing effect,which in turn reveals the structural influence on the formation of the a cluster in a simple and clear manner.In addition to providing an effect-ive method to evaluate the amount of surface a clustering in heavy nuclei,the present conjecture supports other the-oretical treatments of the a preformation probability.