Monumentenwacht(Monument Watch)is an organization that specializes in the pe-riodic inspection of built heritage to raise awareness among owners and caretakers of the importance of proper maintenance and preventive conservation.It originated in the Netherlands in 1973.It was later established in Belgium,Germany,the UK,Denmark,Hungary,Italy,Slovak,Spain,France,and Portugal in the form of similar organizations and projects with similar aims.The organization promotes the idea of"prevention is better than cure"by offer-ing periodic inspection,monitoring,and minor urgent repair and writing independent profes-sional inspection reports as a reference for owners and users for further maintenance and conservation activities.This study explores the working mode of Monumentenwacht in Flan-ders,Belgium,including its historical development,organizational structure,inspection team configuration,professional inspection report,database,reporting system,and technical man-uals.A brief analysis of other similar organizations and projects in various European countries is included to reveal efficient ways to promote this model while respecting different cultural,economic,social,legal,and political contexts.