Ginger, turmeric, black seed, artichoke leaves, Azerbaijani thistle honey, and BB (bee bread) have a hepatoprotectiveeffect;therefore, they show effective results separately in case of alcohol-dependent and non-alcoholic liver obesity, hepatitis andtoxic liver damage. We studied how it can affect liver enzymes and hepatocytes in this group of patients. We took all these naturalplants and bee products in the optimal dose required by the body and prepared a paste called Herbal, so that everyday people couldeat comfortably as a food supplement, as well as see the therapeutic and prophylactic results. HERBAL paste for liver ingredients:flaxseed, ginger, seed of thistle, powder of yellow ginger, black cumin, and honey. Benefits: Herbal paste prepared based onwell-tested recipes improves the function of the liver and gallbladder. As a hepatoprotector, it affects the recovery of liver cells inliver diseases (hepatitis and cirrhosis), spleen disease, bile ductinfections, gallstones in gallbladders, inflammatory bowel disease,colitis, cholecystitis. It helps to remove toxic substances while taking medicine (antibiotics, chemotherapy, painkillers, etc.). Sideeffects: Individual sensitiveness to the contents of the product. Usage: In acute process 1 teaspoon, during chronic diseases 1dessertspoon twice a day before eating. Results: 48 women and 54 men with the third level of fatty liver dystrophy decreased to thesecond level (fibrosis did not occur). During the treatment of 114 patients who had an HCV (hepatitis C virus), I used HERBALpaste as a protector for the liver. After the analyses, 24 patients, who had liver cirrhosis ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and AST(aspartate aminotransferase) in the blood reduced twice. Another 81 patients from 90 who had virus had disappeared in bloodanalyses and in the exogenous factor of liver and GGT in the blood get normal.