Supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) Brayton cycle is a promising nuclear power system choice in shipboard application. Centrifugal compressor is one of the key components of SCO2 Brayton cycle, which has the advantages of small size and high efficiency. However, compressor design challenges raised by the dramatic changes of physical property around CO2 critical point, and quite few efforts were so far devoted to aerodynamic design of high flowcoefficientSCO2compressortailoredtothenuclear-poweredshipboardusage.Herewefirstlycarriedoutaerodynamic design of the SCO2 compressor with high flow coefficient by using the two-zone model. Then, aerodynamic performance of the designed compressor is obtained by solving the 3D steady compressible Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes(RANS)equations.TheresultsshowthatthedesignedSCO2compressorhasthegoodoff-designoperationperformance and isentropic efficiency of the compressor is 90.38% and the total pressure ratio is 2.97 at the design condition. Three-dimensional CFD predictions verify the aerodynamic design of the compressor with high flow coefficient and effectiveness of the two-zone model. This work is of certain significance to promote the application of SCO2 compressor in shipboard usage.