We study spatially semidiscrete and fully discrete two-scale composite finite element method for approximations of the nonlinear parabolic equations with homogeneous Dirich-let boundary conditions in a convex polygonal domain in the plane.This new class of finite elements,which is called composite finite elements,was first introduced by Hackbusch and Sauter[Numer.Math.,75(1997),pp.447-472]for the approximation of partial differential equations on domains with complicated geometry.The aim of this paper is to introduce an efficient numerical method which gives a lower dimensional approach for solving par-tial differential equations by domain discretization method.The composite finite element method introduces two-scale grid for discretization of the domain,the coarse-scale and the fine-scale grid with the degrees of freedom lies on the coarse-scale grid only.While the fine-scale grid is used to resolve the Dirichlet boundary condition,the dimension of the finite element space depends only on the coarse-scale grid.As a consequence,the resulting linear system will have a fewer number of unknowns.A continuous,piecewise linear composite finite element space is employed for the space discretization whereas the time discretization is based on both the backward Euler and the Crank-Nicolson methods.We have derived the error estimates in the L∞(L2)-norm for both semidiscrete and fully discrete schemes.Moreover,numerical simulations show that the proposed method is an efficient method to provide a good approximate solution.