Fusion-evaporation cross sections of 238U(9Be,5n)242Cm are measured over a wide energy range around the Coulomb barrier.These measured cross sections are compared with model calculations using two codes,namely HIVAP2 and KEWPIE2.HIVAP2 calculations overestimate the measured fusion-evaporation cross sections by a factor of approximately 3.In KEWPIE2 calculations,two approaches,namely the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation and the empirical barrier-distribution (EBD) method,are used for the capture probability;both of them properly describe the measured cross sections.Additionally,fusion cross sections of 7,9 Be+238 U measured in two experiments are applied to constrain model calculations further through three codes,i.e.,HIVAP2,KEWPIE2,and CCFULL.Parameters in these codes are also examined by comparison with measured fusion cross sections.All the comparisons indicate that the KEWPIE2 calculations using the WKB approximation agree well with the measured cross sections of both fusion reactions 7,9Be+238U and the fusion-evaporation reaction 238U(9Be,5n)242Cm.Calculations using the fusion code CCFULL are also in good agreement with the measured fusion cross sections of 7,9 Be+238 U.