Development of a PARCS/Serpent model for neutronics analysis of the Dalat nuclear research reactor
Development of a PARCS/Serpent model for neutronics analysis of the Dalat nuclear research reactor
Cross-sectional homogenization for full-core calculations of small and complex reactor configurations,such as research reactors,has been recently recognized as an interesting and challenging topic.This paper presents the development of a PARCS/Serpent model for the neu-tronics analysis of a research reactor type TRIGA Mark-II loaded with Russian VVR-M2 fuel(known as the Dalat Nuclear Research Reactor or DNRR).The full-scale DNRR model and a supercell model for a shim/safety rod and its surrounding fuel bundles with the Monte Carlo code Serpent 2 were proposed to generate homogenized few-group cross sections for full-core diffusion calculations with PARCS.The full-scale DNRR model with Serpent 2 was also utilized as a reference to verify the PARCS/Ser-pent calculations.Comparison of the effective neutron multiplication factors,radial and axial core power distri-butions,and control rod worths showed a generally good agreement between PARCS and Serpent 2.In addition,the discrepancies between the PARCS and Serpent 2 results are also discussed.Consequently,the results indicate the applicability of the PARCS/Serpent model for further steady state and transient analyses of the DNRR.