The plant cytoskeleton undergoes dynamic re-modeling in response to diverse developmental and environmental cues. Remodeling of the cy-toskeleton coordinates growth in plant cells, in-cluding trafficking and exocytosis of membrane and wall components during cell expansion, and regulation of hypocotyl elongation in response to light. Cytoskeletal remodeling also has key func-tions in disease resistance and abiotic stress responses. Many stimuli result in altered activity of cytoskeleton-associated proteins, microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) and actin-binding pro-teins (ABPs). MAPs and ABPs are the main players determining the spatiotemporally dynamic nature of the cytoskeleton, functioning in a sensory hub that decodes signals to modulate plant cytoske-letal behavior. Moreover, MAP and ABP activities and levels are precisely regulated during develop-ment and environmental responses, but our un-derstanding of this process remains limited. In this review, we summarize the evidence linking multiple signaling pathways, MAP and ABP activities and levels, and cytoskeletal rearrangements in plant cells. We highlight advances in elucidating the multiple mechanisms that regulate MAP and ABP activities and levels, including calcium and calmodulin signaling, ROP GTPase activity, phos-pholipid signaling, and post-translational mod-ifications.