Laser and light treatments have recently become popular owing to its efficacy in treating laxity,rhytids,hyper-pigmentation of the lower eyelids,and drooping of septum fat.For several decades,our deparment has explored the application of laser and light treatment for eye rejuvenation.This paper summarizes common treatment methods and analyzes the published literature on the indications and outcomes of multiple laser and light treatments for lower eyelid rejuvenation.An extensive survey of peer-reviewed literature was performed using PubMed,with the search terms "noninvasive treatment","infraorbital",'Palpebral bags","lower eyelid","radi-ofrequency (RF)",'laser","nonsurgical skin tightening",and "noninvasive fat reduction".The results showed that the use of lasers,intense pulsed light (IPL),monopolar RF,bipolar RF,AdipoLASER rejuvenation (ALJ),and fractional RF microneedling are safe and effective treatments for palpebral bags.We conclude that using Q-switched lasers,IPL,RF,ALJ,and fractional RF microneedling is safe and effective for lower eyelid rejuvenation,with minimal complications and quick recovery.Further research and development of optoelectronic therapy may encourage breakthroughs in lower eyelid treatment,such as simplified complex surgery and noninvasive methods.