The complex compositions and large shrinkage of concrete,as well as the strong constraints of the struc-tures,often lead to prominent shrinkage cracking problems in modern concrete structures.This paper first introduces a multi-field (hydro-thermo-hygro-constraint) coupling model with the hydration degree of cementitious materials as the basic state parameter to estimate the shrinkage cracking risk of hardening concrete under coupling effects.Second,three new key technologies are illustrated:temper-ature rise inhibition,full-stage shrinkage compensation,and shrinkage reduction technologies.These technologies can efficiently reduce the thermal,autogenous,and drying shrinkages of concrete.Thereafter,a design process based on the theoretical model and key technologies is proposed to control the cracking risk index below the threshold value.Finally,two engineering application examples are pro-vided that demonstrate that concrete shrinkage cracking can be significantly mitigated by adopting the proposed methods and technologies.