Background The accelerator-driven subcritical transmuta-tion system(ADS)is an advanced technology for the harmless disposal of nuclear waste.A theoretical analysis of the ingredients and content of nuclear waste,particularly long-lived waste in a pressurized water reactor(PWR),will provide important information for future spent fuel disposal.Purpose The present study is an attempt to investigate the yields of isotopes in the neutron-induced fission process and estimate the content of long-lived ingredients of nuclear waste in a PWR.Method We combined an approximation of the mass dis-tribution of five Gaussians with the most probable charge model(Zp model)to obtain the isotope yields in the 235U(n,f)and 239Pu(n,f)processes.The potential energy surface based on the concept of a di-nuclear system model was applied to an approximation using five Gaussian functions.A mathematical formula for the neutron spec-trum in a PWR was established,and sets of differential equations were solved to calculate the content of long-lived nuclides in a PWR.