Effect of organo-modified montmorillonite nanoclay on mechanical, thermal and ablation behavior of carbon fiber/phenolic resin composites
Effect of organo-modified montmorillonite nanoclay on mechanical, thermal and ablation behavior of carbon fiber/phenolic resin composites
The mechanical, thermal and ablation properties of carbon phenolic (C-Ph) composites (Type-I) rein-forced with different weight percentages of organo-modified montmorillonite (o-MMT) nanoclay have been studied experimentally. Ball milling was used to disperse different weight (wt) percentages (0, 1,2,4,6 wt.%) of nanoclay into phenolic resin. Viscosity changes to resin due to nanoclay was studied. On the other hand, nanoclay added phenolic matrix composites (Type-II) were prepared to study the dispersion of nanoclay in phenolic matrix by small angle X-ray scattering and thermal stability changes to the matrix by thermogravimetric analyser (TGA). This data was used to understand the mechanical, thermal and ablation properties of Type-I composites. Inter laminar shear strength (ILSS), flexural strength and flexural modulus of Type I composites increased by about 29%, 12%and 7%respectively at 2 wt.% addition of nanoclay beyond which these properties decreased. This was attributed to reduced fiber volume fraction (%Vf) of Type-I composites due to nanoclay addition at such high loadings. Mass ablation rate of Type-I composites was evaluated using oxy acetylene torch test at low heat flux (125 W/cm2) and high heat flux levels (500 W/cm2). Mass ablation rates have increased at both flux levels marginally up to 2 wt.% addition of nanoclay beyond which it has increased significantly. This is in contrast to increased thermal stability observed for Type-I and Type-Ⅱ composites up to 2 wt.%addition of nanoclay. Increased ablation rates due to nanoclay addition was attributed to higher insulation effi-ciency of nanolcay, which accumulates more heat energy in limited area behind the ablation front and self-propagating ablation mechanisms triggered by thermal decomposition of organic part of nanoclay.