Barrier Lyapunov functions-based dynamic surface control with tracking error constraints for ammunition manipulator electro-hydraulic system
Barrier Lyapunov functions-based dynamic surface control with tracking error constraints for ammunition manipulator electro-hydraulic system
This paper focuses on the dynamic tracking control of ammunition manipulator system. A standard state space model for the ammunition manipulator electro-hydraulic system (AMEHS) with inherent non-linearities and uncertainties considered was established. To simultaneously suppress the violation of tracking error constraints and the complexity of differential explosion, a barrier Lyapunov functions-based dynamic surface control (BLF-DSC) method was proposed for the position tracking control of the ammunition manipulator. Theoretical analysis prove the stability of the closed-loop overall system and the tracking error converges to a prescribed neighborhood asymptotically. The effectiveness and dynamic tracking performance of the proposed control strategy is validated via simulation and experi-mental results.