The rheological features of an incompressible axi-symmetric Casson-Maxwell nanofluid flow between two stationary disks are examined.The lower permeable disk is located at z=-a,while the upper disk is placed at z=a.Both the disks are porous and subjected to uniform injection.The fluid properties such as thermal conductivity vary with temperature.The Cattaneo-Christov thermal expression is implemented along with the Buongiorno nanofluid theory.By operating the similarity functions,the reduced form of the fluid model in terms of ordinary differential equations is obtained and solved by the bvp4c numerical technique.The physical quantities are demonstrated graphically on the velocity and temperature fields.Three-dimensional flow arrangements and two-dimensional contour patterns against several dimensionless variables are also sketched.The numerical values of the local Nusselt and Sherwood numbers for various quantities are presented in tabular set-up.The intensity of the linear relationship between the Nusselt and Sherwood numbers is assessed through Pearson's product-moment correlation technique.The statistical implication of the linear association between variables is also examined by the t-test statistic approach.