Mesoscale structures that form in gas-solid flows considerably affect interphase heat transfer.A filtered interphase heat transfer model accounts for the effects of unresolved mesoscale structures is required in coarse-grid simulations.In the literature,researchers obtain the filtered interphase heat transfer coeffi-cient using a correction(Q)to the microscopic interphase heat transfer coefficient.Available models are based on filtered data in the range 0<Q<1.However,the percentage of filtered data in the range Q<0 and Q>1 is non-negligible.This percentage can reach approximately 20%when the dimensionless filter size is smaller than 1.028(66.7 x the particle diameter).We proposed an improved filtered interphase heat transfer model by considering the data in the range Q<0 and Q>1.We evaluated the predictive power of our model in an a priori test.Our model has much better performance than other models when the dimensionless filter size(△)<8.222.