Metal-semiconductor ohmic contacts are required to reduce the energy dissipation for two-dimensional (2D) electronic devices,and phase engineering of 2D transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) is a promising approach for building ohmic contacts.Here,2D in-plane 1T'-2H MoTe2 homojunctions were prepared by direct epitaxy via vapor deposition.The interface properties of in-plane 1T'-2H MoTe2 homojunction were investigated in detail by combining experiments,calculations and theories.The ohmic contact properties of 1T'-2H MoTe2 homojunction were proved according to Kelvin force probe microscopy and density functional theory calculations.The charge carriers robust transport in in-plane 1T'-2H MoTe2 homojunction without Fermi-level pinning can be well described by Poisson equation and band alignment.These results indicate that phase engineering of 2D TMDCs is promising to construct ohmic contacts for device applications.