Shell corrections with finite temperature covariant density functional theory
Shell corrections with finite temperature covariant density functional theory
The temperature dependence of the shell corrections to the energy 6Eshell,entropy TδS shell,and free en-ergy δFshell is studied by employing the covariant density functional theory for closed-shell nuclei.Taking 144Sm as an example,studies have shown that,unlike the widely-used exponential dependence exp(-E'/Ed),δEshell exhibits a non-monotonous behavior,i.e.,first decreasing 20%approaching a temperature of 0.8 MeV,and then fading away exponentially.Shell corrections to both free energy 6Fshei and entropy TδS shell can be approximated well using the Bohr-Mottelson forms r/sinh(r)and[rcoth(r)-l]/sinh(T),respectively,in which tocT.Further studies on the shell corrections in other closed-shell nuclei,100Sn and 208Pb,are conducted,and the same temperature dependen-cies are obtained.