In this work,the micromechanical properties,crystallographic texture,welding residual stresses and their evolution after plas-tic strain were investigated in a Ti-6Al-4V alloy tungsten inert gas weld joint.It was found that the welding process affected the Young modulus and microhardness values in both α and β phases in the different regions of the weld joint.The highest microhardness and Young modulus values of α phase were recorded in the heat-affected zone,whereas the highest values of these characteristics for the β phase were found in the fusion zone (FZ).The change in the micromechanical properties was accompanied by a change in the crystallographic texture components of the dominant α phase from (0001) < 10-10 > and(11-20) < 10-10 > components in the base material to (10-10) < 11-20 > and (11-20) < 3-302 > components in the FZ.The introduction of tensile testing resulted in a continuous stress relaxation and improved the weld joint performances.